Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Delicious Fruit - Duku

Duku is the common name of a type of fruit Meliaceae tribal members. Plants originating from Southeast Asia west is known also by other names such as olive, kokosan, pisitan, celoring and others with various variations. The names of these diverse but also indicates a variety of cultivars as reflected in the form of fruit and trees are different.

Duku is the identity of plants for the South Sumatra Province.

A medium-sized tree, with a height of 30 m and gemang to 75 cm. Usually grooved rod-grooves in the irregular, with a buttress root circumference (buttresses) are flat protruding above the ground. Pepagan (bark) mottled gray and dark orange, viscous sap contains a sticky milk-colored (resin).

Odd-pinnate compound leaves, smooth bald or hairy, with 6-9 leaflets arranged alternate, elliptic leaflets (elliptical) to oblong, 9-21 cm × 5-10 cm, glossy on the upper side, such as hides, with the base and tapering and end meluncip (tapered) short-stemmed leaflets 5-12 mm.

Interest lies in a cluster that appears on the trunk or branch of a large, hanging, alone or in bunches of 2-5 or more files, often branched at base, 10-30 cm in length, hairless. The flowers are small, seated or short-stemmed, solitary, androgynous. Petal-shaped bowls bercuping-5, fleshy, greenish yellow. Crown round eggs, erect, fleshy, 2-3 mm × 4-5 mm, white to pale yellow. Stamens one file, the jar up to 2 mm, the heads of cider in a loop. Stigma thick and short.

Buni fruit is elliptic, rounded or elongated round, 2-4 (-7) cm × 1.5 to 5 cm, with yellowish hairs and leaf petals that do not fall out. Skin (walls) of fruit thin to thick (approximately 6 mm). Seeds 1-3, compressed, green, bitter taste; seeds encased by a coated seed (arilus) a clear white and thick, juicy, sweet to sour. cultivar-superior cultivars have little or no seeds developed (rudimentary) , but arilusnya grow well and thick, sweet.

Propagation duku were performed using seeds resulted in a slow plant to produce fruit. The new plants flowering at age 10 to 15 years. Germination of this plant has poliembrioni behavior (one seed produced many embryos or seedlings): one fertilized embryo, and the remaining embryos apomiktik. Apomiktik embryo develops from the mother plant tissue so that the offspring has characteristics similar to its parent. Seeds are recalcitrant, storing more than seven days will cause rapid deterioration germination.

Vegetative propagation is done by transplanting shoots and feed.