Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Delicious Fruit - Aren

Aren or sugar palm (Arenga pinnata, Arecaceae tribe) is the most important after the coconut palm (palm) because it is a versatile plant. This plant is known by various names such as lake, Hanau, peluluk, biluluk, mourning, persuaded or fibers (various local names in Sumatra and the Malay peninsula); kawung, taren (Sd.); Akol, Akel, akere, inru, indu (language -languages ​​in Sulawesi), mocha, Moke, tuwa, tuwak (at Nusa Tenggara), and others.

The Dutch know him as arenpalm or zuikerpalm and the Germans call it zuckerpalme. In English or Gomuti palm sugar palm.

Aren is a plant that is protected by law.

Aren tree is big and tall, can reach 25 m. To 65 cm in diameter, substantially solid rod and at the top is covered with black fibers known as fibers, injuk, persuaded or bump. Palm fiber is actually part of the midrib of leaves surrounding the stem.

The leaves are pinnate compound, such as palm leaves, up to 5 m long with petiole to 1.5 m. Children like ribbon undulating leaves, up to 7 x 145 cm, dark green above and whitish because a layer of wax on the bottom side.

Monoecious, separate male flowers than female flowers in different cob that appears in the armpit leaves; cob length up to 2.5 m. Fruit Buni round bullet shape, with a diameter of about 4 cm, three bears and three seed, arranged in a chain-like strands. Each bunch has 10 stems or more, and each stalk has about 50 grains of the fruit is green to yellowish brown. The fruit is not edible because its sap is very itchy directly.